Friday 18 April 2008

Bad Things We've Done

After the first lecture on the module being bad, I read the post put up on WOLF discussing the bad behaviour we had admitted to. As we admitted to our sins anonymously, it was interesting to discover just how naughty the other people in the lecture are!

I have to say it didn't really surprise me that cheating on a partner was such a popular form of bad behaviour, even though it could be considered to be the most harmful of all the bad behaviours mentioned. I think this is because sex is alot less of a taboo subject than it used to be and generally people are more frivolous than say 50 years ago. Or maybe people just get bored more easily these days? It would have been interesting to find out the ages of those who had cheated as i suspect that the majority who did we're in their teens/twenties and perhaps not in a really serious relationship.

What did surprise me was people's tendancy to turn to violence, especially towards family/loved ones. Whether or not it was in some way justified i don't know but it does raise the question, is violence ever justified? Also, the case of the two people who admitted to the illegal trade of narcotics surprised me because I was surprised that people are willing to risk the consequenses of doing so.

Overall, I think the introductory lecture on being bad threw up some really interesting points to consider when discussing the issue of bad behaviour, below are some links to the consequences of other people's bad behaviour that I found interesting. I think the first link in particular really highlights the in some cases deadly consequences of dealing drugs, you can decide for yourselves if you think the punishment is justified:

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