Wednesday 30 April 2008

Comment Two

This post is in response to Sarah's post on body modification :

I think you have made a really interesting point by highlighting the tendancy to judge people by their appearence. When I was researching for my post on body modification I came across the Scary Guy too and I was surprised when I read about what he does to promote anti-bullying and general acceptance of other people.It just shows that society has such a narrow minded view on people who look unique.
I agree with your views that body modification is a personal taste and that as long as it is concentual I have no problem with it. However, as you said the foot binding thing really freaked me out, I think more because people are often expected or even forced into it...this is the part of body modification that I don't agree with.
Overall, your post raised points that I hadn't considered so I found it really interesting to read!

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