Sunday 4 May 2008

Being Too Religious

The introduction to the lecture on Being Too Religious compleately puzzled me. Mainly because I wasn't aware that the lecturer was praying until he was about half way through the prayer and I noticed people had bowed their heads. By the time I had realised what was going on I felt slightly uneasy so I just sat there whilst he finished the prayer.

When the lecturer had explained why he had said a prayer I felt slightly more relieved but then I realised that it was quite a rude thing to do as the prayer was said in order to provoke a reaction. Although I'm not a religious person, I totally understand why some people felt embarrased or even angry. I think that this is because permission wasn't granted by everyone in the lecture room and the lecturer didn't ask if it was ok to say the prayer. In my opinion I think that this is an example of bad behaviour, not really because it falls into the category of being too religious but because someone's religious beliefs were being forced on to everyone else.

I think another example of this bad behaviour are the people who stand in the middle of town preaching to everyone who walks past about God. I don't think they would be as bad if they wanted to share their beliefs quiety but the fact that they often do it in a loud and agressive mannor really irritates me personally.

A few months ago there was a documentary on Channel 4 called "Baby Bible Bashers". I didn't actually get chance to watch it but just the thought of it disturbs me quite a bit. I think that this is because the children featured are forced to believe in God, usually by their parents and due to their younge age probably don't fully understand whats going on. This makes me suspicious that there is some degree of brainwashing involved which makes me think of cult religions.

Then again I wonder if the children's parents genuinly want their children to share their beliefs because they feel its the best way to live. This is the link to the page on the channel 4 website for the documentary:

1 comment:

Gandalf said...

I agree with some of your comments, particularly in relation to having other people’s religious ideas being forced onto you. 2 years ago I was on date with a guy and we were walking down new street in Birmingham when we were approached by a person who grabbed my arm forcefully and told me told us to go with her. She took us to a building and put us in the lift. She told us to go to level 2 and left us there. I was quite scared at this point, and I suppose I sound like a bit of a wuss but thus woman was not taking no for an answer. This was my introduction to Scientology. My date and I were separated and I was told to sit down whilst this man hooked me up to a stress device. He asked me a load of personally questions, then at the end told me I was stressed and to read one of his various books. Obviously I was stressed and I didn’t buy a book, and I legged it out of that building as fast as you can say Tom Cruise. I do not have a problem with this religion, it’s there faith and I respect that, but please don’t force it on me.
P.S as you can tell, that was the first and last date!