Saturday 3 May 2008

Comment Three

This post is a comment on Clare's post about lying with integrity:

I was thinking about this too, characters like Santa and the Toothfairy are a major part of most children's childhood but then someone goes and tells them its not real and they are gutted!I think its hypocritical of parents to tell their kids that Santa and such are real. Such emphasis is put on telling the truth as a child, no wonder children are confussed when they find out their parents lie to them about Santa.I think it would be better if parents told their children that Santa is just a character then the children could decide whether they believe in Santa or not, it would be alot fairer! As a child I wasn't told that Santa was real by my parents, or the toothfairy and I don't feel that iv'e missed out on anything. I'm just greatful that I wasn't told that Santa wasn't real all of a sudden and felt gutted about it!

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